Vector Solutions (SafeSchools) Training

Vector Solutions (SafeSchools) Training
All Vector Solutions courses are set in a school environment and are authored by leading school safety specialists. Courses include topics in nutritional services, health, employee and student safety, human resources, transportation, informational technology, social and behavioral, environmental, security, special education, and emergency management.
This training program is provided to member districts of the Work Comp Trust and Risk Co-Op for Southwest Washington Schools because it is our goal to encourage safe work habits, reduce employee injuries and protect school districts from unnecessary costs related to other liability issues.
District Links
Click on your district link below to login:
Clock Hours
- Participants must be an employee of a school district that participates in the Vector Solutions online training program through the Southwest Washington Work Comp Trust and/or Risk Co-Op for Southwest Washington Schools.
- Contact your principal to find out if Vector Solutions online training is available for your district. They will be able to provide individual login information.
- Complete all courses assigned by your school district.
- Choose other classes from the list of available courses if you would like to earn extra hours. You may earn up to 10 hours maximum per school year.
- Successfully complete the quiz for each course.
Directions to claim clock hours
- When you have completed all the Vector Solutions training for the year (8/1/20xx– 7/31/20xx), you may claim the hours in pdEnroller.
- You will need evidence of completion (your training history).
- Your Training History may be located once you have logged into your personal Vector Solutions account on your district’s site. On the left side of your screen click on Training History. Enter the beginning date (August 1) and correct year by clicking on the “From Date” calendar. The ending date will default to the current date. If it is after July 31, change the ending date to July 31 on the “To Date” calendar. Save the page to your computer as a PDF. From there you can upload the training history PDF to pdEnroller.
- You may earn up to 10 hours maximum per school year.
- Go to PDEnroller. Enter the claim code for the appropriate school year.
Claim Codes for school year
- 8/1/2023 – 7/31/2024: 5PF-ULA
- 8/1/2024-7/31/2025: O8J-92H
- The number of hours is determined by the number of minutes on your training history. Each course lists a time element. Add the minutes from all your completed courses, divide by 60 and round that number down to the nearest half hour. When claiming clock hours in pdEnroller using the appropriate claim code, you will enter the number of completed clock hours, upload the “evidence” and complete the survey. You may earn up to 10 hours maximum per school year.
- Once submitted, your hours will be verified and will record on your pdEnroller transcript within 30 days of submission. If your district is a member of the ESD Clock Hour Cooperative, you do not pay for clock hours.
- Clock hour credit will be adjusted (may be less or more) to reflect actual hours completed (rounded down to nearest half hour) as verified by your individual training history.
- You will only be able to claim clock hours once per year so be sure you have completed all the hours you want to claim before submitting. Additionally, clock hours can only be claimed for the current and/or most recent previous school year. Hours obtained in years before those times cannot be claimed.